How to care beauty in winter

With the arrival of winter, some of the girls and women suffer from some skin problems such as dry skin and other problems like pale skin or the presence of some dark spots or chapped lips with redness skin or skin color change in areas exposed to the sun or the appearance of skin roughness and all problems can be avoided by good nutrition.
And to get rid of the highlights of these problems:

Chapped lips, you have to keep the lack of direct exposure to cold atmosphere when you leave without putting buffer moistened stuff works to keep Petrtaibha, so make sure no bag lacks one of the types of own refreshments lips providing you when the need for that, but at night you can use the points of medical Vaseline works effectively to moisturize the skin and protect it from external aggressions.

Cracks hands, careful not to use soap because it contains chemicals that cause increased skin dryness and replacing wet rich detergent materials including maintaining a moist skin, use warm water to clean carefully hand drying towels cotton even synthetic fibers not cause damage to them, Going abroad even use gloves not affected by drought in the skin after exposure to cold air.

Dry skin, ensuring that you publish a thick rich snack on whole body parts as soon as you take a hot bath.

Also drink plenty of water, including at least 6 glasses a day to ensure the abundance of your body needed to prevent liquids from drying.
How to care beauty in winter How to care beauty in winter Reviewed by Unknown on 11:51:00 PM Rating: 5