Treatment of hair growth under the skin

Hair growth occurs under the skin, often after waxing, either razor or cream to hair removal 

And naturally hair growth through the first hair growth in the hair follicle, and then left on the surface of the skin through the pores. But it may happen that the hair grows under the skin and head to the surface of the skin through a neighboring pores. In many cases the hair turns into caused pills onset of pain and swelling in the area of ​​hair growth, and increase this painful case if the skin appear greasy. The inflammation can persist for a long time, and be limited their response to treatment.

So it is best to follow these tips to avoid hair growth under the skin:

- Sterilize the skin before removing hair using an acid cleaner in order to prevent the entry of microbes that live on the skin naturally. These microbes cause infections and flashpoints in places.
- The use of creams that prevent the formation of a dense skin layer, which reduces the growth of hair follicles in the diagonal direction under the skin. But it should be using these creams, under the supervision of a physician.
Treatment of hair growth under the skin Treatment of hair growth under the skin Reviewed by Unknown on 4:40:00 PM Rating: 5